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Photo of Tower Renaissance Microwave - Black

Tower Renaissance Microwave - Black

It's £130.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the microwaves category:
The Tower Renaissance Microwave is powered by intuitive magnawave technology heat is evenly distributed ensuring meals are cooked consistently. Conveniently adjust the 5 power settings with a maximum output of 800W to suit the specific cooking job whether that's warming up a quick meal thawing frozen meats or softening ice cream. The handy 8 pre-set programmes ensure you get the best results when heating your meals simply select the chosen pre-set specific to your meal including a defrost function. It's easy to fit a standard sized dinner plate inside with the spacious 20L capacity. The glass turntable rotates the food in a circular motion inside the microwave to ensure there are no cold spots.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Wickes. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Wickes. Check stock status here.

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Product colour: Black (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
Product shape: None
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