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Photo of Sealey Sealey Mr1 Car Lift/ramp 3tonne

Sealey Sealey Mr1 Car Lift/ramp 3tonne

It's £2,719.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the vehicle lifts category:
Compact, convenient and innovative 3tonne (pair) rated car ramps (maximum single axle weight of 1800kg), supplied with four stands and removable lifting beam, designed to raise a vehicle completely off the ground giving a clear workspace between vehicle and floor. Designed so the track width can be adjusted to fit various makes and model of cars with maximum tyre width of 380mm. Excellent for general servicing, exhaust work repairing damaged jacking points, sills, floor panels and undersealing. Will fit within confined areas such as garages and workshops. Safe and efficient operation, gives a clear workspace between the raised vehicle and floor. Requires a jack with a saddle height no taller than 100mm and a maximum diameter of 120mm to lift its jacking beam to a position where its stands can be inserted.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Machine Mart. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Machine Mart. Check stock status here.

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Product material: Sealey

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