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Photo of Ability International Desksurfer 42fm Height Adjustable Work Platform

Ability International Desksurfer 42fm Height Adjustable Work Platform

It's £5,049.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the work platforms & podiums category:
The Desksurfer has been designed for hands on facilities and maintenance engineers, to specifically answer the difficult access requirements when working over desks. A 900mm outreach platform provides an easy 1200mm of hands on access to light fittings etc. Based on an entirely new concept, the Desksurfer is both quick and easy to use. The platform is height adjustable for low level and high level applications, providing access to the underside of ceilings and when needed, above ceiling tile level for roof void situations. SWL: 150Kg With its space saving design the Desksurfer compacts to a mere 650mm wide x 1350 long x 1912mm high, which makes it a versatile access tool to fit through doors and into small lifts as one piece, self contained mobile unit. The fold down mast allows “flat pack” transportation in van type vehicles when needed. Manufactured from robust aluminium alloy the Desksurfer is not only very strong but light and easy to manoeuvre.

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Product material: Ability international

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