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Photo of Zenolite Acrylic Wall Panel - 2400 X 1000mm - Safari

Zenolite Acrylic Wall Panel - 2400 X 1000mm - Safari

It's £319.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the sink modules and worktops category:
Zenolites high gloss acrylic panel is an advanced multi-layer acrylic sheet that looks just like glass and is suitable to use in the bathroom or in Kitchen. Weighing less than a quarter of a traditional glass sheet it has 20 times the impact strength. The colour is permanently fused to the clear layer and cannot be separated by moisture. Its unique hard coated surface is highly resistant to typical Kitchen and Bathroom cleaners, and offers a high scratch resistance. Zenolite is easy to work with and can be installed rapidly over new or existing wall finishes. It can be cut and drilled on site with standard wood working tools, making it very versatile. Zenolite is also very easy to maintain, with no grout and less joints. With many elegant finishes available Zenolite will transform and add colour to any Kitchen or Bathroom

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Homebase. Check stock status here.

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