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Photo of Rust-oleum Furniture Spray Paint - Winter Grey - 400ml

Rust-oleum Furniture Spray Paint - Winter Grey - 400ml

It's £12.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the paint varnish stains primers and wax category:
With a quick coat of Rust-Oleum Chalky Finish Furniture Paint you can now achieve the classic, smooth touch, flat matt finish from a spray. With ease of application, use it to bring new life to tired, worn-out pieces of furniture. The paint can be used directly onto wood (bare or painted), brick, stone, plaster or any suitably primed rigid surface (metal, plastic etc.). Create a distressed look by applying two coats in contrasting colours then sanding/ scouring when dry. Protect the finish with either Rust-Oleum Furniture Finishing Wax or Rust-Oleum Furniture Lacquer. Application - Shake can vigorously for 1 minute after mixing ball begins to rattle, continue to shake regularly during use. Hold can 30cm from surface and spray in a steady back and forth motion, slightly overlapping with each stroke. For best results whilst spraying keep the can the same distance from the surface and keep the can in motion. To create a distressed look, apply two coats of contrasting colours. Allow to dry then lightly abrade with a damp scotchbrite pad or a stainless steel scourer. Abrade with the grain of the wood. Protect the distressed effect with Rustoleum Furniture Finishing Wax or Rustoleum Furniture Lacquer. Coverage - Up to 2m2/can. Coverage may vary depending upon spray technique, porosity or roughness of surface. Drying Time - Touch dry in 1 hour. Handle after 4 hours. Apply a second coat after 4 hours, if necessary. Full hardness after 16 hours.

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