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Photo of Machine Mart Xtra Topstore Mss1.5 Spacemaster Tc Single Sided Bin Kit 40 X Tc4 Blue 011518c

Machine Mart Xtra Topstore Mss1.5 Spacemaster Tc Single Sided Bin Kit 40 X Tc4 Blue 011518c

It's £429.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the louvred panel & bin storage kits category:
This Topstore Spacemaster single sided starter kit is ideal for those who are setting up a new workspace, in a garage, shed or workshop or for those looking for additional storage to add to an existing workspace. Heavy duty, practical and versatile, the kit comes up with a free standing, single sided louvered panel and 40 TC4 blue storage bins that can hold loads of up to 8kg each, perfect for storing and organising a wide range of tools, parts and other bits.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Machine Mart. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Machine Mart. Check stock status here.

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Product material: Machine mart xtra

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