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Photo of Daltex Lps 1207 Fire Retardant Breathable Protector - 1m X 100m

Daltex Lps 1207 Fire Retardant Breathable Protector - 1m X 100m

It's £150.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the surface protection category:
The Daltex LPS 1207 Fire Retardant Breathable Protector can be used to protect numerous floor surfaces such as vinyl screed wood stone terrazzo and tiles including those that are newly laid. It offers floors protection from liquid spillages dirt and dust whilst allowing it to breathe. Breather-poly is very easy to apply simply roll out and join together using a self-adhesive tape. It has the added benefit of being fire resistant and certified to LPS1207.

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Returns & delivery times are dependant on our retail partners, in this case its the wonderful people at Wickes. Please read all the details when you click 'Buy this item' below or you can read them here. For returns information on this product, please read them here or information on delivery times.

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Stock status and availability are dependant on our retail partners to fulfil your order. In this case, its the wonderful people at Wickes. Check stock status here.

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Product colour: Uncategorized (Other colours may be available please check on our retail partners website)
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