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Photo of Altrad Belle Altrad Belle Pca01 Pcx 17/50a Honda Petrol Powered Compactor Plate

Altrad Belle Altrad Belle Pca01 Pcx 17/50a Honda Petrol Powered Compactor Plate

It's £1,449.00 (finance options may be available), so what do we think of it...

From the compactor plates rammers & rollers category:
The Altrad Belle PCA01 is a single direction plate designed for the compaction of asphalt and macadam surfaces. Powered by a reliable Honda GX160 petrol engine that can deliver 3kW of power, this plate compactor also features a special tapered base plate to help avoid track marks. This model also benefits from an integrated 12 litre water tank, and low HAV handles that allow for precision control. Completing this plate compactor is an integrated quick engage wheel kit, and a strong protective frame to ensure long term reliability.

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Product material: Altrad belle

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